Friday, May 30, 2008

Corporals' Testimonials

"I thought it was a normal camp, but it was way tougher than expected even as a NCC cadet. So far, I had never stretched myself beyond my limits, although the trainings were damn tough, thinking about my family and future motivated me to keep going. Thanks to my family whom I can always depend on." - BMT

"It was fun and my group conquered lots of enemy territories. It wasn’t easy to maintain and to keep our islands safe as enemies kept coming in and we had to defend and fight to ward them off. But no matter what happends we kept doing our best. A true failure is the one who never does their best." - Great Raid

"It was the longest walk but when I talked and kept myself busy, I was surprised that we were actually nearing the finishing point by the next time I realized it." - Victory March

"It was frustrating as my friends practiced the performance. But I knew that my plan works, so I gathered my friends and planned but what I planned. We didn’t have a rehearsal beforehand, only discussed on how the performance was going to be. We thought that the performance will be a disaster. Despite that, we did not stop believing in ourselves. Indeed, it turned out to be the best. I’ve learnt to control my manners even when all our options are running out." - CO Evening

Haiqal Platoon 8, Ranger Force

"This BMT was quite tough initially. Gradually, it became quite fun. This is the first camp which teaches me discipline and teamwork." - BMT

"Wow, when It was passing out parade, it was so surprising because me and fiqri get to become a seargent and commander, I am very happy. When all my are promoted to the rank of privates. Thank you to Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Outdoor Company and my platoon mentor, I won’t forget you all… "- POP

Syamir, Marine Force

"The basic military training is tiring but fun. I have learned basic teamwork, responsibility to others, never to give up and be disciplined. The training is tough but I know “One for all & All for One”. And also, we must always have the sense of urgency." - BMT

Syahierah Ahmad

"I played the 3 games today. It has taught me many things, things I liked were the perserverance, team work and we must always do it first and not give up without even doing. It also let me have a vision on how the army days is going to be like and because of this experience, I would like to thank the coaches as they helped us both physically and mentally prepared for our tough army days." - BMT

Jonwhan Morgan Platoon 5, Ranger Force

"Although this camp is a bit tough, I have learned a lot of things here. I enjoyed some of the activities and have learn to build up team work. During the games time, we challenged each other but the main thing wasn’t to win. It was to learn to build up our team work. I have now learn that teamwork is important." - BMT

"When we were training for the passing out parade, I am full of confidence. But during the POP, I was so nervous that I would do something wrong and embarrassed myself Haha! But once after my name was called, I marched out. After all the things, I had finally removed the stone of fear that was stuck in the middle of my way. I am so relieved and so happy." - POP

"During victory march, it is very tiring but it is fun. We got tired as we didn’t have enough water. As we walk down the slope and climbed up the slope, I almost slipped. But it is quite fun. I got really dirty. I liked it very much and would like to do it one more time." - Victory March

"During CO evening, we were supposed to perform for 3 to 10 minutes. We decided what to do but did not get to rehearse at all. The first class to perform was ours. We were so nervous that we did not know what to do. However, we did our best and followed our leaders. We made no mistakes. Even though we are not the class with the best performance, we know that we all have done our best." - CO Evening

Cassandra Lam Platoon 4, Ranger Force

"Today I have learnt military training. I have learnt discipline, to respect people and not to be rude." - BMT

Md Faizal, Marine Force

"I love the passing out parade. It was fun. I am going to show it to my parents! - POP"

Hardi bin mayadi 1T1, Platoon 8 Marine Force

"I have learnt to respect people and even myself. Whenever one person makes a mistake, one for all and all for one, we all bear the consequences together. We have to do pushups and even success claps. It’s quite tiring as we have to do it again and again because we did not obey the rules and we have done wrong." - BMT

"Victory march is very tiring as we need to do hiking. It is a long journey but together as one, we have confidence to finish the whole journey. We put in a lot of efforts and kept telling ourselves to hurry up and close the gap otherwise we will get lost. Overall, it was fun." - Victory March

"CO evening was fun as we supported other classes during their performances. They did a great job and so did we. We have the time to laugh and crack some jokes. Overall, it was fun and exciting." - CO Evening


Graduation Parade

Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command
Mission D-Day
EST Time of Departure: 1000hrs

Greetings to all Troopers!

To commemorate the successful completion of our 52 hours Live! Operations, we are honoured to announce the promotion of all troopers from Privates to Corporals.

This will be a symbolic growth and new start to your lives. All of us holds the power to spread positive or negative thoughts, it all comes from how you think and what you say. It is your choice as to whether you want everyone around you to be empowered with positive knowledge or to be someone that simply exist within the face of the earth, going with the flow and not shining out just like other great people (e.g. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew).

For the 18 BEST TROOPERS awarded the Live! Operations ID tag, you are the official Ambassadors of Live! Operation, you carry the values instilled from the missions and you hold the power of your platoon mentors. These ID tags are of great significance for your outstanding performance during the camp. Go forth now to empower others just like how you did it in the camp. Dare to Dream & Take Action.

It is of great pleasure for us all, Major Gopal, Encik John, Raine & Vivien and all of your platoon mentors to have been part of your journey of knowledge and growth.

Once again, Congratulations to all proud graduates of Yusoff Ishak Live! Operations Special Command.

A Big Salute to All

Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command
Major Gopal

Encik John
Encik Raine
Encik Vivien

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Great Raid

Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command
Mission Day 2
EST Strike Time: 0945hrs

The last and final battle was on between the 3 Elite Forces of Yusoff IshaK Special Operations Command.

As Mission Day 2 was closing to an end, troopers of the first presidential school had to put up a last and final battle. In their own forces, troopers had to battle it out in the vast Pacific Ocean with their battleships and conquer enemy territories.

Marines had an headstart amongst the fearsome Commandos and Airborne Rangers, but tides do turn around and the deadly Marines seemed to have lost both their lands and battleships halfway into the mission. As for troopers who had no land nor battleships, they had to "swim" to the land of the dead, or also famously known as the "Dead Man Chest".

"There is No Failure, Only Learning Experiences". In order to revive, troopers are required to do whatever it takes to earn back another chance to get a shot at their enemies. Everyone placed in 300% of effort in every challenge posted to them,. With the eye of the tiger and rocky's never dying spirit, the "brawl" continued and came to a halt after sixty minutes of jam-packed action.

Games are reflections of life. How one reacts to game situations determines your attitude towards unforseen situations in life. Attitude can be everything, whether it is right or wrong, you are always right.

When you lose a game, never take it as a setback, instead look upon it as a lesson learnt. Because what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. When a strategy isn't effective, CHANGE.

"People always tend to look at their failure but never remembers how close they were to success".

Troopers, do not forget about the many stories Major Gopal have shared, regardless whether is it about the "20 cent coin found by valerie", "Change Strategy" and many others. These stories holds great learning values and morals which all of us can apply into our daily lives, so do put these lessons learn into good use.

A great job well done for accomplishing your mission.

First Presidential March

Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command
Mission Day 2
EST Time of Departure: 1500hrs

Forming up at Zulu, the Troopers of the First President's School proceeded with their presidential march.

Covering a mass distance of eight to ten kilometres over the natural and man-made terrains of Upper Bukit Timah, Bukit Timah & Bukit Batok Nature Reserve, troopers were both physically & mentally drained.

As the Olympic Creed says "It is never the triumph, but the Struggle"

It was such an inspirational moment to see many helping one another during the march. Afterall, we are all doing this as One Yusoffian. There's no "I" in the word "Team". Learn to put aside all our differences and together as one, we can achieve the impossible.

This is not merely just a walk of endurance, this is the walk of a lifetime.

In any journey, its not the winning that makes us glorius but the process to attaining your goal. No many can remember the names of the rich, but many can remember the works of what these rich people did in order to become who they are today.

The choices that we make today determines our achievements of tomorrow. If you ever think that you can't achieve something, it's probably time to start believing in the impossible. Because in it, you get "I'm Possible!"

Troopers, remember the success principles "IF I CAN'T, THEN I MUST"



Operation Time Crisis

Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command
Mission Day 2
EST Time of Departure: 0900hrs

Mission Overview

Troopers, you are only given a certain amount of time to accomplish the tasks at the given locations on your map and afterwhich, you are required to proceed to the FUP area, Zulu at 1130hrs SHARP.

Proceed once code name OTC is launched.

By Order of Encik John

Monday, May 26, 2008

Basic Military Training (BMT)

Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command
Date of Arrival: 26th May 2008
EST. Time of Arrival: 0800hrs

The 3 Elite forces of Yusoff Ishak Secondary School – Commandos, Rangers, and Marines have landed at base camp - Salvation Army, located at 500 Upper Bukit Timah Road at est. 0800hrs.

Troopers were introduced to their respective Platoon Mentors (PM) by Encik John and were later on briefed by Major Gopal on the expectations and mission objectives of this 52 hours Live! Operation.

After which, the battalion began their Basic Military Training (BMT), a training that was vital to ensure all troopers were equipped and ready to defend their own school’s pride and dignity.

Commandos (1E1, 1E2, 1E3) started with their circuit training which included – Food Ration Barrel Transfer, Tyre and Jerry Can Race. These activities provided training to the troopers’ ability to work as one by eliminating individual differences and focusing on utilizing each and every one of it to leverage all of their strengths. All of which contributed to this brave group of troopers to efficiently and knowing exactly their roles as a comrade and executing what has to be in order to accomplish the given tasks. The food barrel may weigh a ton, however when little effort made by every individual within the team comes as one, the ton of it just fades away and weigh as light as a feather. Sometimes, we’re thrown tons and tons of responsibilities, we can choose to carry it on our own shoulders or share the workload with others. Sometimes, all we got to do is to Ask, and most often, others are more than willing to lend a hand. The choices that we make, determines our achievements ahead. Choose to win! Because Winners don’t quit and Quitters don’t win.

Ranger Force (1N1, 1N2, 1N3) started off with Combat Fitness, which included – Push-ups, Sit-ups, Speed training and success claps. The ability to endure through this combat fitness and stretched, troopers have shown a side of pure determination and endurance they had never discovered, ultimately proving to others but most important of all to themselves their worth as Rangers of the Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command. Ranger’s voices thundered through the multi-function hall of Base Camp, these made them a considerable force others ought to not reckon with. It also serves as a reminder to themselves they have friends around them that will always be there to go through thick and thin together. One for all & All for one. With the right choices we make today, determination and endurance, Rangers can go a long long way. As the saying goes, “Life is going to be tough and when the going gets tough, the tough gets going”.

Marines (1N4, 1T1, 1T2) kick started with Regimental Drills, comprising of Basic Foot Drills, Contactor Drill, Grenade Drill and Section Movement. Through these activities, troopers learn the value of “Discipline Builds Character”, reducing and blending differences in the team made it tough for troopers to co-ordinate amongst themselves to perfect their drills. Time and time again, the Marines were faced with certain consequences, forcing them to attain nothing but EXCELLENCE. Excelling together as a strong and mighty force, the Marines stormed the grounds of Salvation Army with their roaring foot-steps. Regimental Drills is not about how fast one can attain perfection, but rather how each in the team can give in to one another in the pursue towards their goal of excellence. In order for anyone to get what they want, they got to have the courage to STAND for what they want.

Finally, the Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command Battalion completed their Basic Military at the end of the day. Troopers promoted from the rank of newly recruits to Privates, each was presented with a colored Bandana as a symbol of maturity and greater power. Tough as the day may be, but the greatest potential has yet to be unleashed.

Tomorrow awaits new challenges. Meanwhile, Best of Luck to all Privates.

Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command

Encik John
Encik Raine
Encik Vivien