"I thought it was a normal camp, but it was way tougher than expected even as a NCC cadet. So far, I had never stretched myself beyond my limits, although the trainings were damn tough, thinking about my family and future motivated me to keep going. Thanks to my family whom I can always depend on." - BMT
"It was fun and my group conquered lots of enemy territories. It wasn’t easy to maintain and to keep our islands safe as enemies kept coming in and we had to defend and fight to ward them off. But no matter what happends we kept doing our best. A true failure is the one who never does their best." - Great Raid
"It was the longest walk but when I talked and kept myself busy, I was surprised that we were actually nearing the finishing point by the next time I realized it." - Victory March
"It was frustrating as my friends practiced the performance. But I knew that my plan works, so I gathered my friends and planned but what I planned. We didn’t have a rehearsal beforehand, only discussed on how the performance was going to be. We thought that the performance will be a disaster. Despite that, we did not stop believing in ourselves. Indeed, it turned out to be the best. I’ve learnt to control my manners even when all our options are running out." - CO Evening
Haiqal Platoon 8, Ranger Force
"This BMT was quite tough initially. Gradually, it became quite fun. This is the first camp which teaches me discipline and teamwork." - BMT
"Wow, when It was passing out parade, it was so surprising because me and fiqri get to become a seargent and commander, I am very happy. When all my are promoted to the rank of privates. Thank you to Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Outdoor Company and my platoon mentor, I won’t forget you all… "- POP
Syamir, Marine Force
"The basic military training is tiring but fun. I have learned basic teamwork, responsibility to others, never to give up and be disciplined. The training is tough but I know “One for all & All for One”. And also, we must always have the sense of urgency." - BMT
Syahierah Ahmad
"I played the 3 games today. It has taught me many things, things I liked were the perserverance, team work and we must always do it first and not give up without even doing. It also let me have a vision on how the army days is going to be like and because of this experience, I would like to thank the coaches as they helped us both physically and mentally prepared for our tough army days." - BMT
Jonwhan Morgan Platoon 5, Ranger Force
"Although this camp is a bit tough, I have learned a lot of things here. I enjoyed some of the activities and have learn to build up team work. During the games time, we challenged each other but the main thing wasn’t to win. It was to learn to build up our team work. I have now learn that teamwork is important." - BMT
"When we were training for the passing out parade, I am full of confidence. But during the POP, I was so nervous that I would do something wrong and embarrassed myself Haha! But once after my name was called, I marched out. After all the things, I had finally removed the stone of fear that was stuck in the middle of my way. I am so relieved and so happy." - POP
"During victory march, it is very tiring but it is fun. We got tired as we didn’t have enough water. As we walk down the slope and climbed up the slope, I almost slipped. But it is quite fun. I got really dirty. I liked it very much and would like to do it one more time." - Victory March
"During CO evening, we were supposed to perform for 3 to 10 minutes. We decided what to do but did not get to rehearse at all. The first class to perform was ours. We were so nervous that we did not know what to do. However, we did our best and followed our leaders. We made no mistakes. Even though we are not the class with the best performance, we know that we all have done our best." - CO Evening
Cassandra Lam Platoon 4, Ranger Force
"Today I have learnt military training. I have learnt discipline, to respect people and not to be rude." - BMT
Md Faizal, Marine Force
"I love the passing out parade. It was fun. I am going to show it to my parents! - POP"
Hardi bin mayadi 1T1, Platoon 8 Marine Force
"I have learnt to respect people and even myself. Whenever one person makes a mistake, one for all and all for one, we all bear the consequences together. We have to do pushups and even success claps. It’s quite tiring as we have to do it again and again because we did not obey the rules and we have done wrong." - BMT
"Victory march is very tiring as we need to do hiking. It is a long journey but together as one, we have confidence to finish the whole journey. We put in a lot of efforts and kept telling ourselves to hurry up and close the gap otherwise we will get lost. Overall, it was fun." - Victory March
"CO evening was fun as we supported other classes during their performances. They did a great job and so did we. We have the time to laugh and crack some jokes. Overall, it was fun and exciting." - CO Evening