Mission Day 2
EST Strike Time: 0945hrs
The last and final battle was on between the 3 Elite Forces of Yusoff IshaK Special Operations Command.
As Mission Day 2 was closing to an end, troopers of the first presidential school had to put up a last and final battle. In their own forces, troopers had to battle it out in the vast Pacific Ocean with their battleships and conquer enemy territories.
Marines had an headstart amongst the fearsome Commandos and Airborne Rangers, but tides do turn around and the deadly Marines seemed to have lost both their lands and battleships halfway into the mission. As for troopers who had no land nor battleships, they had to "swim" to the land of the dead, or also famously known as the "Dead Man Chest".
"There is No Failure, Only Learning Experiences". In order to revive, troopers are required to do whatever it takes to earn back another chance to get a shot at their enemies. Everyone placed in 300% of effort in every challenge posted to them,. With the eye of the tiger and rocky's never dying spirit, the "brawl" continued and came to a halt after sixty minutes of jam-packed action.
Games are reflections of life. How one reacts to game situations determines your attitude towards unforseen situations in life. Attitude can be everything, whether it is right or wrong, you are always right.
When you lose a game, never take it as a setback, instead look upon it as a lesson learnt. Because what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. When a strategy isn't effective, CHANGE.
"People always tend to look at their failure but never remembers how close they were to success".
Troopers, do not forget about the many stories Major Gopal have shared, regardless whether is it about the "20 cent coin found by valerie", "Change Strategy" and many others. These stories holds great learning values and morals which all of us can apply into our daily lives, so do put these lessons learn into good use.
A great job well done for accomplishing your mission.
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