Mission D-Day
EST Time of Departure: 1000hrs
Greetings to all Troopers!
To commemorate the successful completion of our 52 hours Live! Operations, we are honoured to announce the promotion of all troopers from Privates to Corporals.
This will be a symbolic growth and new start to your lives. All of us holds the power to spread positive or negative thoughts, it all comes from how you think and what you say. It is your choice as to whether you want everyone around you to be empowered with positive knowledge or to be someone that simply exist within the face of the earth, going with the flow and not shining out just like other great people (e.g. Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew).
For the 18 BEST TROOPERS awarded the Live! Operations ID tag, you are the official Ambassadors of Live! Operation, you carry the values instilled from the missions and you hold the power of your platoon mentors. These ID tags are of great significance for your outstanding performance during the camp. Go forth now to empower others just like how you did it in the camp. Dare to Dream & Take Action.
It is of great pleasure for us all, Major Gopal, Encik John, Raine & Vivien and all of your platoon mentors to have been part of your journey of knowledge and growth.
Once again, Congratulations to all proud graduates of Yusoff Ishak Live! Operations Special Command.
A Big Salute to All
Yusoff Ishak Special Operations Command
Major Gopal
Encik John
Encik Raine
Encik Vivien
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